In this article
This article defines the fields found in a Data Export. See Data Export configuration for steps to setup and enable data exports for an organization.
Data Descriptions
Sequence | DNSF Name | DNSF Description |
1 | Time | When this request was made in UTC |
2 | FQDN | Fully qualified domain that was requested |
3 | Domain | Domain that was requested |
4 | Protocol | Internet protocol used to make the request. The types include: doh, tcp, udp, and tls |
5 | Username | Username of the dashboard user who made the request |
6 | UserID | ID of the dashboard user who made the request |
7 | QuestionType | Type of the DNS request that was made. The types include: A, AAAA, HTTPS, SRV, MX, TXT, PTR, SOA, NS, DS, SPF, DNSKEY, CNAME, ANY, NAPTR, Reserved, CAA, SSHFP |
8 | Code | DNS return code for the request |
9 | OriginalCode | DNS original return code for the request |
10 | RequestAddress | The external IP that made the request |
11 | Client | Roaming Client name that made the request |
12 | ClientID | Roaming Client ID that made the request |
13 | ClientType | Roaming Client type that made the request |
14 | ClientMac | Roaming Client mac address that made the request. Field may vary based on the roaming client type |
15 | IP4 | Internal IP that made the request |
16 | IP6 | Internal IP that made the request |
17 | Region | The geographical region where the request was made |
18 | Network | Organization name where the request was made |
19 | NetworkID | Network or site ID where the request was made |
20 | Collection | Collection name where the request was made |
21 | CollectionID | Collection ID where the request was made |
22 | Policy | Policy name that processed the request |
23 | PolicyID | Policy ID that processed the request |
24 | ScheduledPolicy | Scheduled policy name that made the request |
25 | ScheduledPolicyID | Scheduled policy ID that made the request |
26 | Seccats | One or multiple categories associated with the blocked request |
27 | Secallowcats | One or multiple categories associated with the allowed request |
28 | Blockcats | One or multiple categories associated with the blocked request |
29 | Blockallowcats | One or multiple categories associated with the allowed request |
30 | Allowed | Boolean value indicating whether the request was allowed |
31 | Threat | Boolean value indicating whether the request is categorized as a threat |
32 | Method | Method used to process the request |
33 | Organization | Organization name associated with the request |
34 | OrganizationID | Organization ID associated with the request |
35 | ApplicationID | Application ID associated with the request |
36 | ApplicationName | Application name associated with the request |
37 | ApplicationCategoryID | Application category ID associated with the request |
38 | ApplicationCategoryName | Application category name associated with the request |
Service Region Codes
✍️ This list is dynamic as DNSFilter grows and/or changes.
NYC | New York, NY, USA |
WAS | Washington, DC, USA |
ATL | Atlanta, GA, USA |
CHI | Chicago, IL, USA |
LAX | Los Angeles, CA, USA |
DAL | Dallas, TX, USA |
SJC | San Jose, CA, USA |
SEA | Seattle, WA, USA |
TOR | Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
AMS | Amsterdam, Netherlands |
SYD | Sydney, Australia |
TYO | Tokyo, Japan |
FRA | Frankfurt, Germany |
MIA | Miami, FL, USA |
DEN | Denver, CO, USA |
PHX | Phoenix, AZ, USA |
LON | London, England |
PAR | Paris, France |
SIN | Singapore, Singapore |
BUH | Bucuresti (Bucharest), Romania |
HKG | Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
SAO | Sao Paulo, Brazil |
MAA | Chennai, India |
MTR | Montreal, Quebec, Canada |
JNB | Johannesburg, South Africa |
WAW | Warsaw, Poland |
DXB | Dubai, United Arab Emirates |
MRS | Marseille, France |
HEL | Helsinki, Finland |
MIL | Milan, Italy |
MAD | Madrid, Spain |
TPA | Tampa, FL, USA |
SOF | Sofia, Bulgaria |
PER | Perth, Australia |
MCI | Kansas City, Missouri, USA |
SCL | Santiago, Chile |
ORL | Orlando, FL, USA |
VAN | Vancouver, Canada |
VIE | Vienna, Austria |
PRG | Prague, Czech Republic |
SEL | Seoul, Korea |
AKL | Auckland, New Zealand |
QRO | Queretaro, Mexico |
MEL | Melbourne, Australia |
BNE | Brisbane, Australia |
LIM | Lima, Peru |
STO | Stockholm, Sweden |
BOG | Bogota, Columbia |
ZRH | Zurich, Switzerland |
CPH | Copenhagen, Denmark |
OSL | Oslo, Norway |
BAI | Buenos Aires, Argentina |
IEV | Kyiv, Ukraine |
IST | İstanbul, Turkey |
BTS | Bratislava, Slovakia |
FOR | Fortaleza, Brazil |
TLV | Tel Aviv, Israel |
UIO | Quito, Ecuador |
DUB | Dublin, Ireland |
SJU | Puerto Rico, USA |
CAI | Caire, Egypt |
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