Introduction to Filtering Policies
Get Started with Filtering Policies
This article outlines all ways to protect your network by filtering potential threats and unwanted content through Filtering Policies. Here you'll find links that expand on all the filtering option... -
Create a Filtering Policy
A Filtering Policy controls the type of content allowed on your network and blocks internet threats like Malware, Phishing, and Botnets. Policies are defined and stored within the DNSFilter infras... -
Troubleshoot Filtering Policies in complex environments
This guide provides a step-by-step process for troubleshooting issues when a domain isn't filtering as expected. Follow these steps to check each Organization attribute and identify the cause of un... -
Example domains to test Filtering Policies
These domains can be used to confirm that the Categories you’ve blocked in your Policies are working as expected without using real-world examples. They are helpful when starting a trial, creating ... -
Domain Report Tool
The Domain Report tool is invaluable for two purposes: Look up how DNSFilter classifies a particular domain Report inaccurate categories/threats in one click This video was produced in 2022. The... -
Policies dashboard management
This guide covers the Policies section of the DNSFilter dashboard. The Policies section of the dashboard houses Filtering Policy, Allow/Block List, and Block Page configurations, which define and ... -
Clear browser cache
Changes that you make to your policy in the dashboard are reflected across our server fleet instantaneously. There are no delays for DNSFilter enforcing your changes. However, DNS record informatio... -
HTTPS & SSL errors
When using DNSFilter, you may notice a certificate error similar to the images below when attempting to visit a blocked domain over HTTPS: Why does this happen? If a domain is blocked, DNSFilter... -
Pages not loading
Use this article to troubleshoot Filtering Policies when websites aren't loading as expected when added to the policy Allow List. Difficulty loading complete websites is common because modern web ... -
Preconfigured "Your First Policy" Filtering Policy
Reference this article to understand the default settings of the Your First Policy Filtering Policy found in your DNSFilter app. This is helpful when just getting started with DNSFilter as a baseli... -
Filtering Policy priorities hierarchy
This guide outlines Filtering Policy priorities at the policy and organization level. Reference this guide when creating or troubleshooting policies to confirm the desired filtering outcome. When c...