In this article
Use this article to troubleshoot Block Pages that don't load while using the Chrome browser.
This issue is typically related to Chrome Policies settings that prevent the Block Page from fully loading. A good indicator this is the root cause is if the Block Page loads without issue while browsing in Incognito Mode.
Resolving the Issue
Follow these troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue.
Step one: Check to see if the browser is blocking JavaScript
- From Chrome's Settings, navigate to Privacy & Security and select Site Settings
- Select JavaScript
- Check the selection under Default behavior. Don't allow sites to use JavaScript is likely selected
- If this is the case, add this key to the policy:
- Add string values to the key so that each domain/url added gets a new string value
1 =
2 =
Continue below if this is not the issue.
Step two: Check the Chrome Policy Configuration [chrome://policy/]
Example json: policies.json
"AlternativeBrowserPath": { "level": "mandatory", "scope": "user", "source": "platform", "value": "${edge}"
If the json file is accurate, contact our Support Team for additional troubleshooting assistance.
Step three: Contact DNSFilter Support
Attach this information to the request:
- .har files for when the Block Page fails to load
- .har files for when it works (Collect from Incognito Mode, another browser, or another device)
- Roaming Client logs
- List of installed Chrome Extensions. A screenshot or specific list + versions
Our team will investigate the issue and assist with more troubleshooting options.
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